Package 'SSplots'

Title: Stock Status Plots (SSPs)
Description: Pauly et al. (2008) <> created (and coined the name) 'Stock Status Plots' for a UNEP compendium on Large Marine Ecosystems(LMEs, Sherman and Hempel (2009)<>). Stock status plots are bivariate graphs summarizing the status (e.g., developing, fully exploited, overexploited, etc.), through time, of the multispecies fisheries of a fished area or ecosystem. This package contains three functions to generate stock status plots viz., SSplots_pauly() (as per the criteria proposed by Pauly et al.,2008), SSplots_kleisner() (as per the criteria proposed by Kleisner and Pauly (2011) <> and Kleisner et al. (2013) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00469.x>)and SSplots_EPI() (as per the criteria proposed by Jayasankar et al.,2021 <>).
Authors: Eldho Varghese [aut, cre], J Jayasankar [aut], Sreepriya V [aut], Reshma Gills [ctb], Ashutosh Dalal [ctb]
Maintainer: Eldho Varghese <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2024-09-13 05:12:42 UTC

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Sample time series of commercial fish landings of selected marine resources (2007-2021)


A dataframe named "SampleData" was taken for illustration. It contains time series of landings of 25 resources.




This data frame contains 15 rows and 26 variables


National Marine Fishery Resources Data Centre (NMFDC) of CMFRI, Kochi


Stock-Catch-Status Plot or Catch by Stock Status Graph (Jayasankar et al. (2021))


This function provides stock status plots to see the typical transition from developing through fully exploited to over exploited for each resources as per the criteria used by Jayasankar et al (2021) to interpret the status of fishery resource.


SSplots_EPI(data,,, tsplots, MA)




lower limit

upper limit


time series plot


moving average


**Status of fishery** ⁠ ⁠ **Criterion Applied**

Developing: ⁠ ⁠ Year of landings < year of max landings AND landings < 20 percent of max landings

Fully Exploited:⁠ ⁠ Year of landings is between 20-80 percent of max landings

Over Exploited:⁠ ⁠ Year of landings > year of maximum landings AND landings < 20 percent of
⁠ ⁠ maximum landings OR landings > 80 percent of maximum landings


Note1: tsplots=TRUE for generating the time series plots for each resources. In that case it is advisable to set a working directory and number of graphs generated will be equal to the number of resources

Note2: MA=TRUE for using the running average of order 3 (a three year running average was used to smooth the curve).


1) Grainger RJR and Garcia S (1996) Chronicles of marine fisheries landings (1950-1994): trend analysis and fisheries potential. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 359, 51 p.

2) Kristin Kleisner and Daniel Pauly (2015) Stock-Status Plots (SSPs), (accessed on 28.02.2023)

3) Pauly D, Alder J, Booth S, Cheung WWL, Christensen V, Close C, Sumaila UR, Swartz W, Tavakolie A, Watson R and Zeller D (2008) Fisheries in Large Marine Ecosystems: Descriptions and Diagnoses. pp. 23-40 In: Sherman K and Hempel G (eds.), The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World’s Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, Nairobi.

4) Sherman K and Hempel G, editors (2008) The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World's Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. 852 p.

5) Jayasankar J, and Eldho Varghese, Shubhadeep Ghosh, Muktha M, Prathibha Rohit, Abdussamad E M, Dineshbabu A P, Laxmilatha P, Ramachandran C, Shinoj P, Kavitha J, Vivekanandan E and Sreepriya V (2021) Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of Indian Marine Fisheries: A Perspective. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi. ISBN 978-9382263-56-2.


## Not run: 
library (SSplots)
SSplots_EPI(data=SampleData,,, tsplots=FALSE, MA=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Stock-Catch-Status Plot or Catch by Stock Status Graph (Kleisner and Pauly (2011) and Kleisner et al. (2013))


This function provides stock status plots to see the typical transition from rebuilding through overexploited to collapsed for each resources as per the criteria used by (Kleisner and Pauly (2011) and Kleisner et al. (2013) to interpret the status of fishery resource.


SSplots_kleisner(data,,, tsplots, MA)




lower limit

upper limit


time series plot


moving average


**Status of fishery** ⁠ ⁠ **Criterion Applied**

Rebuilding(Recovering): ⁠ ⁠Year of landings > year of post-max-min landings AND post-max-min landings < 10 percent of max landings AND landings is between 10-50 percent of max landings

Developing: ⁠ ⁠ Year of landings < year of max landings AND landings <= 50 percent of max landings OR year of max landings= final year of landings

Exploited: ⁠ ⁠ Landings > 50 percent of max landings

Overexploited:⁠ ⁠ Year of landings > year of max landings AND landings is between 10-50 percent of max landings

Collapsed:⁠ ⁠ Year of landings > year of max landings AND landings< 10 percent of max landings


This function returns two plots one with "number of stocks by status" and the other one is "catch by stock status" apart from the time seriers plots.


Note1: Here, post-maximum-minimum (post-max-min) indicates the minimum landings occuring after the maximum catch.

Note2: tsplots=TRUE for generating the time series plots for each resources. In that case it is advisable to set a working directory and number of graphs generated will be equal to the number of resources.

Note3: MA=TRUE for using the running average of order 3 (a three year running average was used to smooth the curve).


1) Grainger RJR and Garcia S (1996) Chronicles of marine fisheries landings (1950-1994): trend analysis and fisheries potential. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 359, 51 p.

2) Kristin Kleisner and Daniel Pauly (2015) Stock-Status Plots (SSPs), (accessed on 28.02.2023)

3) Pauly D, Alder J, Booth S, Cheung WWL, Christensen V, Close C, Sumaila UR, Swartz W, Tavakolie A, Watson R and Zeller D (2008) Fisheries in Large Marine Ecosystems: Descriptions and Diagnoses. pp. 23-40 In: Sherman K and Hempel G (eds.), The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World’s Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, Nairobi.

4) Sherman K and Hempel G, editors (2008) The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World's Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. 852 p.


library (SSplots)
SSplots_kleisner(data=SampleData,,, tsplots=FALSE, MA=FALSE)

Stock-Catch-Status Plot or Catch by Stock Status Graph (Pauly et al., 2008)


This function provides plots to see the typical transition from undeveloped through fully exploited, to collapsed for each resources as per the criteria used by Pauly et al (2008) to interpret the status of fishery resource


SSplots_pauly(data,,, tsplots,MA)




lower limit

upper limit


time series plot


moving average


**Status of fishery** ⁠ ⁠ **Criterion Applied**

Undeveloped: ⁠ ⁠ Year< max landings AND landings < 10 percent of max value

Developing:⁠ ⁠ Year < max landings AND landings is between 10-50 percent of max value

Fully exploited:⁠ ⁠ Landings > 50 percent of max value

Overexploited:⁠ ⁠ Year > max landings AND landings is between 10-50 percent of max value

Collapsed:⁠ ⁠ Year > max landings AND landings< 10 percent of max value


This function returns two plots one with "number of stocks by status" and the other one is "catch by stock status" apart from the time seriers plots.


Note: tsplots=TRUE for generating the time series plots for each resources. In that case it is advisable to set a working directory and the number of time series plots generated will be equal to the number of resources.


1) Grainger RJR and Garcia S (1996) Chronicles of marine fisheries landings (1950-1994): trend analysis and fisheries potential. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 359, 51 p.

2) Kristin Kleisner and Daniel Pauly (2015) Stock-Status Plots (SSPs), (accessed on 28.02.2023)

3) Pauly D, Alder J, Booth S, Cheung WWL, Christensen V, Close C, Sumaila UR, Swartz W, Tavakolie A, Watson R and Zeller D (2008) Fisheries in Large Marine Ecosystems: Descriptions and Diagnoses. pp. 23-40 In: Sherman K and Hempel G (eds.), The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World’s Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, Nairobi.

4) Sherman K and Hempel G, editors (2008) The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem report: a Perspective on Changing Conditions in LMEs of the World's Regional Seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 182, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. 852 p.


library (SSplots)
SSplots_pauly(data=SampleData,,, tsplots=FALSE,MA=FALSE)