SSplots - Stock Status Plots (SSPs)
Pauly et al. (2008)
created (and coined the name) 'Stock Status Plots' for a UNEP
compendium on Large Marine Ecosystems(LMEs, Sherman and Hempel
Stock status plots are bivariate graphs summarizing the status
(e.g., developing, fully exploited, overexploited, etc.),
through time, of the multispecies fisheries of a fished area or
ecosystem. This package contains three functions to generate
stock status plots viz., SSplots_pauly() (as per the criteria
proposed by Pauly et al.,2008), SSplots_kleisner() (as per the
criteria proposed by Kleisner and Pauly (2011)
<> and Kleisner
et al. (2013) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00469.x>)and
SSplots_EPI() (as per the criteria proposed by Jayasankar et
al.,2021 <>).